Cacta Sapien
Cacta Sapien is one of my favorites. I say that about all of them & that’s true, but Cacta is just fun. Many of my favorite plants are cacti, Ancestor, Spokey, Thankful.
Ancestor is a plant that belonged to my grandmother’s grandmother. I remember sitting next to Ancestor and having conversations with Ki because my grandma had told me that plants like when you talk to them. The Ancestor I have is a piece that broke off the original that my aunt still has. I’ve had Ancestor for about 7 years now.
Spokey is a cacti that I grew from a seed when I was either a freshman or sophomore in high school and worked in a greenhouse. At this point in Spokey’s life I have to wear leather gloves to work with ki. Spokey’s spines are about 3 inches long.
Thankful is a thanksgiving cactus that I rescued from clearance, nursed back to health, almost accidentally killed, and then nursed back to health again. Thankful blesses me with beautiful white blooms several times a year, including right now.
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